In this page, I collect all the tools I use more or less daily.
- 1Password
- Colima
- Discord
- Firefox
- Insomnium (fork of Insomnia before the bad stuff)
- iTerm2
- Jetbrains IDEs - Webstorm
- Lungo
- Mater
- mpv
- Proxyman
- react-native-debugger
- Rectangle
- Spotify
- Sublime Merge
- Sublime Text
- bat
- Caddy
- delta
- deno
- dive
- docker
- dog
- fd
- ffmpeg
- fzf
- git
- gh (GitHub CLI)
- gping
- Homebrew
- hyperfine
- imagemagick
- jq / jaq
- magic-wormhole
- neovim
- ripgrep
- scc
- ts (timestamp standard input, part of moreutils)
- units
- zsh (with zim)